Rice Museum (Muzium Padi), Alor Setar, Kedah

Location : near Gunung Keriang, Alor Setar, Kedah

Established since June 1999, the Rice Museum is the most comprehensive exhibition center displaying artifacts, charts, photographs as well as actual rice-planting tools. A visit to the Museum provides a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the role and significance of padi and rice in the life of Malaysians. Visitors can view the padi plots and enjoy the aroma of the cultivated fragrant rice with a bird's eye view of rice planting activities in padi fields from the rooftop. Rice Farm Visitors have the chance to participate in padi planting activities made available throughout the season. This includes the usage of traditional padi planting methods and modern cultivation process. Related post- harvest activities are also demonstrated.

(source: www.visitkedah.com.my)

beautiful scenery of padi field around the Rice Museum

There are basically 3 levels of the museum. The 1st level is the real paddy museum where they placed all the instruments used in padi haervesting from the traditional tools to the latest technology machines. There are also facts about rice, history of paddy cultivation and traditional lifestyle and entertainment of the farmers.

While the 3rd level of the museum is a place with a beautiful painting of a padi field area that looks so real. what makes it more cool is the rotating auditorium. you can just sit on the cair and enjoying the view while the auditorium rotate. to get to the 3rd level, you'll need to climb a spiral staircase, which the wall look like an inside cave wall.

last but not least, don't forget to get yourself some souvenir from the Rice Museum.


  1. Salam,
    Saya telah calonkan blog ini untuk kategori Best Travel Blog dalam Nuffnang Asia Pacific Blog Awards. Kalau menang belanja tau. :)

  2. cikgu..
    auuuww~ thanks :) :)

  3. julia...cantiknye pemandangan kampung tu..

  4. always wonder about how this museum looks like. great photo coverage. Might visit this place soon..

  5. Wow, didn't know the Museum was that nice :)
