Delicious, but very spicy gado-gado at Tanjung Pagar railway station
[Tips] We bought the EZLink card (similar to our TnG card) and would likely to suggest you to buy the card if u’re going there for a hols. Your trip there would be much easier, no need to queue for tickets. EZlink can be used for MRT, buses etc. It’s sold at SG$ 15, with SG$ 10 amount in it. It means that you pay SG$ 5 for the card. BUT. each trip by MRT or bus, u’ll get discount. so it’ll cover your SG$5 back. Plus, it lasts for 5 years when it’s not used. And the balance amount in the card is refundable. But the card itself isn’t. So you can refund the balance at the end of your trip, and keep the card for next trip :p
The hotel was located in Little India but the nearest station was the Farrer Park. Since it was still early for check-in, we went to the City Square Mall, which was linked to the Farrer Park MRT station. The mall is a newly opened mall with ‘go green’ theme and just across our hotel.
Our first destination on the trip was to Orchard Road. OMG!! This place is a serious shopping heaven. Kalau rasa2 nak habiskan duit sekelip mata, sila lah ke sini. There are too many shopping complexes here e.g Lucky Plaza, Wisma Atria, ION Mall.
Yes, Chinese New Year is nearing and sale are everywhere!
Yeah. Whatever. As long as I’m happy :P
After the ‘cuci mata’ session at the Orchard Road, we went to the Merlion Park to see the must-see and must-snap-photo-with Merlion. Taking the MRT to the next destination sangat mencabar jugak. There are boutiques and shop lots everywhere through the link at the underpass. *sigh*
Shops along the MRT underpass.
My favourite wall of postcards!!
Esplanade, the theater by the bay.
Singapore flyer & the Floating Stadium at the Marina Bay
The floating stadium is located on the water. yes it is floating. but as far as i can see, and through the pictures on the internet, i can’t see any high fences surrounding the museum. So what happened if the balls were kicked so high and went outside the field? O_o

THE must-see and must-snap Merlion!
Can you imagine if the bridge at Masjid Jamek or any other bridges in KL/Malaysia are as as clean as this? Wouldn’t it be nice?
Anderson Bridge
The Stamford Raffles statue, at the Victoria Memorial
Taking the bus back to the hotel
So we had some rest, we went out to have dinner at the City Square Mall and to Seragoon Plaza.
[Tips] Print out the Singapore MRT map (click here for map) and bring it everywhere. Helpful. Very very helpful.
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