Taman Mini Malaysia & Taman Mini ASEAN, Malacca

Location : Ayer Keroh, Melaka
Coordinate : 2.2826,102.3037
Foursquare : http://foursquare.com/venue/2018274

Taman Mini Malaysia & Taman Mini ASEAN is located in Ayer Keroh, Melaka, by the main road side just a few kilometres after the Ayer Keroh toll plaza. There are 13 houses represent the architectural styles of all 13 states in Malaysia and 12 represents 12 houses of ASEAN countries - decorated with various items, arts and crafts that reflect the culture of each state.

Inside each of the houses, there is a variety of authentic handicrafts originating from the state or country it represents. Inside these traditional houses which mostly were built on stilts, also are displays the image of the traditional Malay costumes specific to the state.

Other tourist attraction at the Taman Mini Malaysia & ASEAN is the cultural show and traditional dances and games which are held every weekend.

Taman Mini Malaysia & Mini ASEAN Office :  +606-232 1331 / 1351

Note: During my visit, the Taman Mini ASEAN was temporary closed for renovation. Please call for further information before visiting.


  1. Cool. I went to Malacca before but did not see this place. Will check it out the next time. It's near the river right?

  2. 6 tahun gua stadi kat melaka..tp gua tak pernah g taman mini malaysia ni..taman buaya, kota a famosa penah la..huhu

    gua follow lu on twitter :)
